Nike AF Crocs Concept by Kegan McDaniel

Nike AF Crocs .jpg

Product Designer Kegan McDaniel bravely slid into our DM’s to share this fun, beautifully executed, fully moulded EVA Crocs x Nike AF1 concept…and we’re here for it.

Crocs has been garnering a lot of attention lately due to a few of their collaborations with like of Beams, Takashi Murakami as well as an upcoming one with Nicole McGlaughlin. Taking a slightly different approach, Kegan envisioned what it might look like to have two power-house brands cross-pollinate their design DNA’s, and created the “AF Crocs”.

Below you can see the initial sketch that sparked the idea for the concept, as well as some final renderings of the 3D model.

Nike AF Crocs 2.jpg